
Saturday, 8 December 2012


الَّذِينَ هُمْ فِي صَلَاتِهِمْ خَاشِعُونَ ﴿23:2﴾ 
(23:2) who *2 perform their Salat with humility: *3
*2 The noble characteristics of the Believers pointed out in vv. 2-9 are the arguments to prove the above assertion. In other words, it has been stated that people with such and such traits and qualities only can attain true success in this world and in the Hereafter.

*3 Khashi`un in the Text is from khushu (to bow down, to express humility) which is a condition of the heart as well as of the body. Khushu' of the heart is to fear and stand in awe of a powerful person, and khushu ` of the body is to bow one's head and lower one's gaze and voice in his presence. In Salat one is required to show khushu ` both of the heart and of the body, and this is the essence of the Prayer. It has been reported that when the Holy Prophet once saw a person offering his Prayer as well as playing with his beard, he remarked: "Had he khushu ` in his heart, his body would have manifested it. "

Though khushu ` is actually a condition of the heart, as stated by the above tradition, it is manifested by the body as a matter of course. The Shari `ah has enjoined certain etiquette which, on the one hand, helps produce khushu ` in the heart, and on the other, helps sustain the physical act of the Prayer in spite of the fluctuating condition of the heart. According to this etiquette, one should neither turn to the right or left, nor raise one's head to look up: one may, however, look around from the corner of the eye, but as far as possible, one must fix the gaze on the place where the forehead would rest in prostration; one is also forbidden to shift about, incline side ways, fold the garments or shake off dust from them. It is also forbidden that while going down for prostration, one should clean the place where one would sit or perform prostration. Similarly it is disrespectful that one should stand stuffy erect, recite the verses of the Qur'an in a loud resounding voice, or sing them, or belch or yawn repeatedly and noisily. It has also not been approved that one should offer the Prayer in a hurry.

The injunction is that each article of the Prayer should be performed in perfect peace and tranquillity, and unless one article has been completely performed, the next should not be begun. If one feels hurt by something during the Prayer, one may cast it aside by one hand, but moving the hand repeatedly or using both the hands for the purpose is prohibited. with this etiquette of the body, it is also important that one should irrelevant things during the Prayer. If thoughts come to the mind intention, it is a natural human weakness, but one should try one's
Along avoid thinking without one's utmost that the mind and heart are wholly turned towards Allah, and the mind is in full harmony and tune with the tongue, and as soon as one becomes conscious of irrelevant thoughts one should immediately turn the attention to the Prayer.
Kaedah2 yang saya catatkan di sini adalah berdasarkan pemerhatian

1)Kurangkan pembaziran air ketika wuduk- orang yang membazirkan air ketika wuduk jelas telah menjadi kawan syaitan,jadi bagaimana ingin khusyuk jika dari awal lagi telah dikuasai syaitan.

2)Rapatkan saf sehingga bertemu bahu dan tumit- dari maksud hadis Rasulullah saw yang beliau saw nampak syaitan berupa seperti anak kambing duduk di antara saf yang renggang.Bagaimana untuk khusyuk  jika syaitan ada disebelah kaki kamu?

3)Belajar bahasa Arab yang mencukupi untuk menghayati dan memahami bacaan surah dan bacaan solat.Bagaimana ingin khusyuk jika kamu tidak mengerti apa yang kamu sebut?Oleh itu bacalah semua bacaan dalam solat dengan SEPENUH2 perasaan
4)Hadirkan hati dalam solat dan sedar kita sebenarnya berhadapan dengan Allah. Jangan salahkan faktor sekeliling seperti anak kecil menangis,bunyi bising dsbgnya menyebabkan kita tidak khusyuk solat kerana faktor sebenar adalah hati yang tidak hadir.Kebiasaannya mujahidin yang sedang berperang dapat khusyuk di dalam solat walaupun bom meletup berhampiran mereka sehingga bergegar bumi yang dipijak.

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